Friday, October 9, 2015

On to Louisville...

Tomorrow I'm leaving to drive down to Louisville, KY.  You may wonder why?  I am not competing in a triathlon.  I am not visiting family.  I'm not going on vacation.  About 6 months ago, I decided to volunteer at a full Ironman event, and several of the women on my triathlon team were planning on competing.  Thinking about being at the finish line of Ironman Louisville when one of my Swim Bike Mom sisters crosses the finish line is exhilarating.

Why?  I'm glad you asked...

Most people know that I have been competing in triathlons for 3 years now.  After my first year, I knew I was hooked.  I became involved in a community of moms that found balance in triathlon as I do, thanks to Meredith Atwood (author of "Triathlon for the Every Woman").  At the end of 2014, I was asked to be part of a team of women charged with spreading the word about the group, Swim Bike Mom, and supporting women from all walks of life in their triathlon efforts.  Little did I know that the friendships I formed with this group of 20 or so women from all over North America would have such a profound impact on my life.  They have supported me through the toughest year I have ever endured, and I credit them with a large portion of the reason I am still able to "keep moving forward".

So on Sunday, I will be there as SIX of these women complete their 140.6 mile journey.  I am so thankful that I am able to be there to "catch" them.  It is the least I can do for them after everything they have done for me this year.

To Meredith Atwood - you have no idea how thankful I am that you took the leap - and brought us along for the ride.  There really are no words.

To my SMBAT - I am honored to stand alongside you this weekend.  Each one of you shared a part of your strength with me, and I am eternally grateful.

To my husband, kids and MIL - thank you for making it possible for me to go support my girls this weekend!  I could not do what I do without your support.

To all my friends and family - I know you may think I'm crazy for this triathlon thing.  I mean, I am pushing 40, and my body is not getting any younger.  But I'm telling you what - it is what keeps me going.  I hope that you have that, too!